Benefits of a Treadmill Desk and How to Set It Up

Do you find it difficult to get yourself moving once you hit the couch after a tedious day at work? You could be wanting to hit the gym or at least exercise in the comfort of your home but can’t find enough motivation to actually do so. You aren’t alone. Perhaps, you find it easier to pick a gadget and scroll away for hours rather than step outside for a quick sweat-inducing jog. A treadmill desk is something that can help you step in the right direction towards fixing your fitness regime. Intrigued? Stick around to find the perfect way to achieve your 10000 daily steps in the comfort of your home while binging your favorite series.
Benefits of a Treadmill Desk
Treadmill desks are a real game-changer for those seeking a healthier work environment. Here are the benefits of a treadmill desk and how they help in overall development:
1. Bid Farewell to the Sedentary Slump:
One of the biggest rising issues that usually lead to health problems is not getting enough exercise paired with an unhealthy diet. While the Treadmill Desk may not help you consume a balanced diet, but one of the biggest benefits of a treadmill desk is that can help you achieve your goal of raking in a passion for cardio and introduce a healthy dose of exercise into your life
2. Boost Your Brainpower:
Since you can efficiently work on your pending presentation while completing your laps on the treadmill, a treadmill desk has the ability to improve your brainpower. To get optimum results, it’s important that you run the treadmill at a speed that doesn’t cause strain on your mental and physical capacity so you’re able to balance both. Another important benefit of a treadmill desk can help you develop the art of multitasking.
3. Say Goodbye to Afternoon Slumps:
Wanna battle that lethargic feeling you get in the afternoon after a nice and warm meal? A treadmill desk in a corporate space is a great way to help boost productivity post-lunch. Additionally, you not only burn any extra calories you may have gained after a cheat meal but also vitalize your energy after a hearty meal.
4. Charge your Energy:
So, about that presentation you’re planning to work on at home. After working all day on it, burning the midnight oil so you wrap it up on time can be a dreadful experience. Why not grab onto the handrails of a treadmill desk to accompany you on your journey? A steaming cup of coffee won’t power you through the night as much as a treadmill desk would.
5. Better Circulation
A gentle workout with the treadmill desk can improve your circulation. This elevates your potential to combat a number of health conditions which a sedentary life will fail to. Not to mention, it shoves your cardiovascular health in the right direction.
6. Boost Creativity
The act of exercising or simply walking, whether on a treadmill or in general, helps the body release more dopamine, a chemical responsible for the execution of higher mental functions that helps enhance problem solving, decision making, etc. as well as fuels your creative inspiration. You’ll notice that you’re able to think creatively and conjure up more innovative solutions to a problem in a way you would not have otherwise.
Get your own Treadmill Desk:
You can forgo the hassle of setting up a treadmill desk by buying a treadmill that has an in-built adjustable desk. There are plenty of options in the market to choose from. To narrow it down for you, check out the Fitalo Play T1-Lite Motorized Treadmill for Home. With a top speed of 14 km per hour powered by a 3.0 HP DC motor makes this equipment very suitable for cardio and also saves energy.
Setting Up Your Treadmill Desk: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you’ve stuck around so far along in this blog, chances are you either have a treadmill that you’d like to transfigure into a work desk-cum-mini gym or maybe want to procure a treadmill that can be converted to one. To ease your worries, here’s an easy step-by-step guide to setting up your own treadmill desk.
- Pick the right Treadmill:
Look for a treadmill with an objectively lower deck height; and a motor with minimum sound during operation to optimize your convenience and ensure a noiseless workout that doesn’t hinder your work. An under desk treadmill is a classic choice for the purpose of setting up an under desk treadmill.
- Pick the Location
The living room is the safest bet for your treadmill desk, followed by your bedroom. Pick a place where you don’t have to struggle with space. You don’t wanna spend more of your time folding and wheeling your treadmill around than working out. Rid the vicinity of any objects that might be potential risks.
- Use a Standing desk
Refer to the chart on standing desk ergonomics so you can pick the ideal standing desk. Now, you don’t want your shoulders to slouch too much, nor deal with uncomfortable aches in your body. More importantly, if you plan to work for longer hours, finding the right desk for you to avoid straining your eyesight will help you deter the risk of potential optic issues.
- Additional Accessories
Consider using a wireless keyboard and mouse for flexibility, and perhaps a desk organizer to keep things tidy.
Launch your Treadmill Desk into Action
Before you kickstart your workout on a treadmill desk, here’s a checklist you need to tick.
- The first step is to start slow. As with any activity you engage in for the first time, it’s important that you start slow and ease into it. Gradually increase the speed over a few days. Give your mind and body enough time to get accustomed to juggling both tasks. The ideal speed to begin with is 1.60kmph.
- Next, you’ll want to pick a secure pace. You wouldn’t want to sacrifice the quality of your work for a satisfactory cardio session or vice versa. It defeats the purpose of being able to multitask. Hence, it’s imperative that you strike the right balance between both and figure out the speed that works best for you. It could be anywhere between 3 to 6.6 kmph.
- Hydrate yourself. Avoid exerting yourself too much. Take ample breaks and consume water or other detox liquids like green tea to avoid dehydration.
To summarize, a treadmill desk is a treadmill workstation that is the perfect solution to get your body moving and sharpen your mind simultaneously. It gives you all the advantages of a cardio session without exerting too much pressure on your body, all while you’re running through your tasks on your computer. Follow the aforementioned steps and steps and initiate your treadmill desk workout.