Treadmill Talk : 7 Factors to Consider While Buying a Treadmill

You want to buy a treadmill, you have made up your mind. But now comes the most important step- what to look for in a good treadmill while buying one?
At first it might seem like buying a treadmill is a piece of cake, but it’s not that easy if you want one which benefits you the most. A treadmill itself is an asset of investment for exercise in this fast paced and idle work life of current times. To help you choose the best treadmill for your fitness routine, let us take you through some factors that you should consider before you purchase one.
1. Belt Size
The treadmill is utilized for both running and walking. Taking this into consideration, on a safety note, it is crucial that the equipment functions smoothly and is not craggy. The recommended belt size is at least 48 inches in length and 18 inches in width. Of course, it also varies from the height of person to person. For relatively taller people (over 6 feet in height) the belt size must be at least 54 inches to ensure comfortable running or walking.
2. Margin Size
A treadmill occupies a lot of space. Taking a note of the space dimensions at home before buying one is a highly recommended and pragmatic step. Although nowadays folding treadmills are also conveniently available, but these too take up a lot of space. Treadmills are hefty and hence burdensome to shift. Finding out the correct treadmill size wholly relies on the space available in your gym or home, your size and how you wish to use the machine.
3. Weight
You might be wondering what is the connection of weight with a treadmill. Well, this is an important factor of consideration because, the larger a person is, the sturdier the treadmill should be so as to accommodate the entire body weight. Another wise thing one can do is to deduct 20 kg to obtain a practical number while looking at the user weight rating.
4. Steadiness
Just like any other fitness equipment, the treadmill must be safe and stable when handled. It should not be clacking or unstable when it is in use, as it can be unsafe for the walker or runner.
5. Running Bed Cushioning
If you are a fitness enthusiast that sticks to your daily treadmill regime, you should aim to buy a model that climbs up to 10 mph or more. In addition to that, the quality of the workout is directly proportional to the horsepower of the drive motor. Therefore, it is important to ensure you are aware of the horsepower and motor specifications before you purchase one.
6. Services and Arrangement
The quality of a treadmill can be made out by the manufacturer’s warranty. Usually, treadmill electronics come with a warranty of 5 years and parts and labor warranty for 2 years.
Research the cost of delivery before buying because most of the times, it won’t be included in the machine cost. Putting the parts together will also need assistance hence ensure that is included in the service. Moreover, enquire about the after-sales service and readily available parts.
7. Economy
After you are done considering all the above factors, the budget needs to be decided for the treadmill. It is indeed necessary to purchase the best quality treadmill at a decent rate that is economical. There are a wide variety of treadmills with different prices and that is mainly dependent on the features they offer. Ponder upon investing in a quality treadmill that lasts for a longer period of time and benefits you the most.

Additional Features
If you like to incorporate entertainment with your workout regime, you can check out if the treadmill has other features such as a connection for a MP3 player along with speed that is adjustable and also a heart pulse monitor to keep your health on track.
As you are now aware, make sure you test all the above given factors before making a large purchase. It is indeed helpful to take an expert’s advice so that you are assured of a treadmill that gives you an effective and efficient workout regime.
Author: Mrunal Nikam