Treadmill: The Most Versatile Workout Equipment

Treadmills have become one of the most popular over-the-counter exercise equipment, especially for those who cannot make time to visit the gym. A treadmill is an excellent option for anyone who wants to get in shape and maintain fitness while living a healthy lifestyle.
Treadmill workouts can be much more effective than using other methods to get a good fit body. One of the reasons why is due to the fact that it uses less energy in your system and will require lesser effort from you. You don’t need any special equipment like dumbbells or barbells for treadmill workouts to help you achieve the desired results faster. I don’t know about you but if I miss a day of working out, it feels like I didn’t put in any effort. But with the right workout routine on your treadmill, you can get fit and tone up without missing a beat. By choosing the right workout on your treadmill, you can start seeing results almost immediately and continue to improve as time goes on.

A treadmill can be your salvation. It’s easy just to run and push yourself to the point you’re ready to give up but they are also game-changers when it comes to workout routines. The possibilities are endless with a treadmill. Treadmill workouts are a great way to get your heart rate up and shed pounds and tone up. There are different types of workouts you can do on the treadmill, depending on what your goal is for working out. Whether it’s burning calories or getting stronger, we’ll explore some different ones below.
It’s no secret that the treadmill is one of the best ways to get your heart rate up, burn calories and get a good workout. It’s also pretty versatile – you can run, walk or even change your speed on the side without getting bored. This might make you wonder how to vary the workout routine instead of following a single prescribed routine.
With these specially designed workouts, the time flies by and you’ll be soaked in sweat by the end. No matter what your physical fitness goals are, walking lunges, side shuffles, and reverse mountain climbers work your legs and core while challenging your cardiovascular system.
Walking planks are great cardiovascular toners because they force you to use all the major muscles in your body – abs, arms, and chest. Treadmill push-ups get you off the floor so that you can strengthen your core like no other exercise can do.

30-second Sprint Intervals Pick up the pace to a hard effort (heavy breathing) for 30 seconds. Recover with 90 seconds of easy jogging. repeat the cycle.
Side Stepping Workout
Hold onto the side rail, turn your body to the side, get low in a squat position, and then start side-shuffling your feet. Continue side stepping for 30 seconds and then return to walking forward. repeat for 20 mins.

Walk the Hills
Start with a normal incline but increase one level with each passing minute and burn additional calories.

There are so many other things you can do on a treadmill that makes it more entertaining. it’s not too difficult to work out at home. You just have to be creative with your workouts. The key is knowing how to use them and which ones will work best for your goals!
Author: Mrunal Nikam